17 Years of Service to the Philippines

Since 2007, Michel Tetrault, DC’s Chiropractic Clinics in the Philippines have treated over 30,000 patients, composed of individuals and families who go through chiropractic care for one of three main reasons: Pain Relief, Spinal Correction, Preventive and Maintenance Care.

Our Vision

Chiropractic & Rehab Clinics will be distinguished for high standards of Chiropractic in the Philippines.

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Years of Service

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Patients Served

Our Mission

To pioneer Chiropractic practice and education in the Philippines and in creating healthier lives, one patient at a time.

Certified Team of Doctors

Our doctors come from North America and Europe licensed and ready to join our well-developed clinics throughout the Philippines situated in busy malls to make it easy to find us.

Life-Changing Relationships

People in the Philippines NOW have a choice – before drugs or surgery. Prepare body to heal itself naturally, without the use of any of these risky options

It’s been 16 fruitful years, as we celebrate 16 years of chiropractic care in the Philippines! We are thankful to our team of doctors, clinic staff, admins, marketing personnel, and most importantly our patients who we seek to create life-changing relationships with us, by helping restore and preserve their health. Michel Tetrault, DC’s Chiropractic Clinics in the Philippines continues on with its vision of setting the standards of chiropractic care in the country, and for the next decade aims to expand and provide more opportunity and accessibility to a greater number of people in the Philippine provinces.

We take pride in our chiropractors who are graduates of International university-level educational standards trained in this worldwide conservative spinal healthcare profession consisting of over 100,000 practitioners in 120 countries. It takes International high school plus university between 5-8 years of chiropractic professional school, depending on the country, to become a Doctor of Chiropractic. This is someone you can trust with your health and the health of your children. Our doctors come from North America and Europe licensed and ready to join our well-developed clinics throughout the Philippines situated in busy malls to make it easy to find us.

We are likewise grateful to our patients who have shared their stories on how chiropractic has changed their lives. Chiropractic is for everyone, not just blue-collar workers injured on the job, athletes with pulled muscles, accident survivors with whiplash, the very young, or the elderly. Every year, more and more people of all ages and from all walks of life are turning to chiropractors to improve their health and upgrade their performance. The true value chiropractic brings to communities is a natural restoration of health, pain relief of course, but more important is the opportunity to live a longer and healthy life, freedom of disabilities in most cases.

People in the Philippines NOW have a choice – before drugs or surgery. Chiropractic relieves or eliminates pain, improves mobility, and it remains that health care discipline which emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself naturally, without the use of any of these risky options. Enjoy life better through the Chiropractic Lifestyle.

As one of the profession’s earliest founders once said: “Chiropractic is the only science that exactly locates the cause of the disease then adjusts it.”


It is a pleasure to introduce modern chiropractic care to you and your family. We offer a quality facility and experienced staff and in consideration of your time, prefer to set an appointment for new clients, but will accept walk-in appointments.

  • What You Can Expect

    It is our commitment to offer a first class service in today’s chiropractic care to the communities we serve. We are proud of our friendly & courteous staff, high quality equipment, flexible appointments and beautiful artful settings.

  • Consultation

    A private discussion with the chiropractor about your health concerns and your personal health objectives.

  • Spinal Evaluation

    Determining the underlying causes of health problems and to see what tests may be required, such as X-rays, or if additional referrals are needed.

  • Report of Findings

    Consumers today expect to be partners with their health care providers and want to know the specifics that can help them to understand the course of care and to personally make healthier choices. The Chiropractor will report on the examination findings; on the nature of the problem and if the case can be accepted for care; how long the care will take; any lifestyle modifications that are needed during and after care; and the cost of the recommended care.

Our Experts

Christina Doe

Christina Doe


Sabrina Mathew

Sabrina Mathew


Mellisa Mendover

Mellisa Mendover

Owner & Chiropractor

Have You Had Your
Spine Checked?

As a courtesy for visiting this page, get 20% off your chiropractic initial evaluation – when you book online: inclusive of doctor’s consultation, spinal examination, x-ray interpretation, creation of a specific health program based on your condition and may include a spinal adjustment.